From 3 weeks ago:
Sorry that I didn't post Tuesday Life Updates last week, I was sick. Anyway, right now it's snowing and it is just now sticking to the roads, so maybe a snowstorm? I don't know.
Good news, Weasel hasn't bothered me much in the past week, although today is the day I have class with him, hm.
From 2 weeks ago:
Hello, this post is very overdue because I missed last week. The reason for this is that I was sick last week and totally forgot to post. Anyway, Weasel challenged me to a fighting match, but as soon as I did a jump turn kick he gave up. In other words, that fight was utterly pointless. Oh yeah, you probably don't know I take taekwondo now. It's very fun in the fast paced class.
Those are all that were missed. They were just sitting around unpublished so I decided to do something with them.
Over and out,